Island She Is Not
These weeks have gone by in a blur. I feel as if I’ve only really been in Cuba a week or two, and I’m just getting comfortable; yet October is right around the corner. I think I credit this time lapse to studying abroad in a tropical setting. And while yes, Cuba is a tropical island, it is an island nation—there is a strong sense of identity, not of being yet another Caribbean cruise stop, not of being a former colony, not of being called “communist”. No, Cuba is much more. The Cuban way is to be at least 20 minutes late to everything, but managing to finish on time, probably due to the Cuban speech-rate of 1000 words per minute. Within moments, a speech on the Platt Amendment can turn into a whirlwind of explanations, historical dates and figures, personal anecdotes and peals of laughter. Then there you are, dumbfounded but wanting to smile because—well—Cuba. It also seems to be the Cuban way to have a cure for everything, whether it’s legitimate or highly irrational. So, if you ...